Dr. Jonathan Wright, author, lecturer and Director of the Tahoma Clinic will be our guest. Some of the topics we will be discussing include: bio-identical horm
We will be continuing our presentation of the Radiation threats to America, Canada and Mexico. We are following several people's vocal profiles and will report
Have you been exposed? Radiation poisoning: is it coming to our shores? How can we protect ourselves? We have something to share that may be beyond what t
How to use Vocal Profiling to SELF TEST for food REACTIONS BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST; Richard and Sharry will be asking for listener volunteers to test the th
How ready for marriage are Kate Middleton and Prince William? Are they really compatible? How do they get along in private? Join us for the opinions of two e
The movie, The Secret, tells us that we can have what we want, but does not tell us how to identify our true inner desires. By request we will be going Beyond
BECOMING more COLOR-FULL with Jennifer Robin Jennifer's new book, Growing More Beautiful, is an artful approach to developing your personal style using all
Stephen Heuer, of Cocoon Nutrition, believes that the first step in making your body allergy free to taking care of cell permeability. The FDA is trying to sto
This Sunday on Sound Health Options, Sharry and Richard welcome Lita Lee, Ph.D.. We will be talking with Dr. Lee about her research in the use of enzymes for al
Do you have allergies? Do you want to know how allergies are affecting your body? We may be able to help. We are going to spend our SoundHealthOptions hour u
What Secrets did they leave for us to find? What did the Ancients know about sound, healing and architecture that escapes our modern pool of knowledge? Our anc
Star Trek Medicine comes to BlogTalkRadio Do you have Cancer in your family - would you like a non-intrusive, inexpensive way to test for Cancer biomarkers/
The Sex Factors Is SEX an emotional or biochemical response? Last week we talked about the biochemicals and organs of SEX in relationship to our Vocal Pro
The SEX FACTORS! Join Richard and Sharry as they explore the biochemical aspects of love and affection. We will be doing LIVE Vocal Profiles for those who w
Combining information and education to spread the word and teach the world about Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling. What is hidden in your voice? An audienc
Is there such a thing as a perfect partner? Do you know what you are looking for? Do you have a love style? Join Richard and Sharry for in an-depth peek at w
Richard will be talking with Pam Oslie about the language of the colors and people's communication styles in all kinds of relationships. We will also be discuss
Welcome to Sound Health Learn how to reveal the secrets of self communication and relationship compatibility so that you can live your best authentic life.
Let's Talk! Is anyone in your life pushing you in a direction you don't want to go? Do you move over so everyone else can have what they want even if it l
The Intuitive Development Institute was established by Susan Stuart in 1981 to promote a more expanded awareness of intuition, metaphysics and astrology. The in
What's Love Got to do with it? Welcome to Sound Health How to make yourself more available, compatible and attractive to those around you. Each of us has
People loved that Signature Sound stuff so much we will be continuing our discussions of your frequency energy, how it influences DNA and genetics, helps you in
Welcome to Sound Health! Ancient Tools in Modern Times It is supposed to be the secret sound of your soul - but how can it help? How can it guide your life
Welcome to Sound Health Topics: Rationed health care, government intervention, neglected soldiers, altered food supply and poison being marketed to our chil