Oct. 30, 2011

Your Handwriting is FULL of Secrets!

Your Handwriting is FULL of Secrets!

What does your handwriting reveal about you?   Do you want to connect and change your "programming" so that you can move forward unencumbered by "old" traps?

What does your handwriting reveal about you?   Do you want to connect and change your "programming" so that you can move forward unencumbered by "old" traps?     Join us for a fascinating conversation with author Lisa Schuetz (rhymes with "puts") about how we can read and change our energy body through changing our writing.   Handwriting is a recording of the energy of our "psyche" (Jung defines this term as our: unconscious + conscious + body). Just like an EEG records activity in our brain, our writing records our psychic energy.   Due to the unique, bi-directional relationship between our hand and our brain, and because our brain is so neuroplastic, we can use hand "movement" exercises to help change our wiring, thus changing our unconscious.   Lisa's sites: http://lisaschuetz.com ;  http://ReadingGestures.com and http://HandwritingTutor.org   Join Sharry for a unique perspective about how you can help yourself and your community, Sunday at 12pm EST on Blog Talk Radio!

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