Nov. 5, 2013

Who Is The BIGGEST Liar?

Who Is The BIGGEST Liar?

Who’s the BIGGEST liar? Why are lies a part of our humanity?  Are lies about Power, Reputation, Fear, $$$, Freedom,  Safety… What do humans lie about;  how much

Who’s the BIGGEST liar? Why are lies a part of our humanity?  Are lies about Power, Reputation, Fear, $$$, Freedom,  Safety… What do humans lie about;  how much we spend or don’t, moon landings, political agendas, healthcare, our weight or size, who done it, bank balances, the fish we caught or the one that got away, war, death count, our health, to get our way, to have the most, for monetary gain, UFO encounters, to sell a product, your past, present or future…. Join us we have the idea of using voice frequencies to reveal a lot of liars and who we think might be the BIGGEST contemporary fabricator of all.

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