Aug. 18, 2013

Where do the Directions come from?

Where do the Directions come from?

At our core we are ENERGY beings!  That ENERGY can be expressed as Frequency, Color, Sound, Emotion, Music…  Who decides how we express and choose to animate

At our core we are ENERGY beings!  That ENERGY can be expressed as Frequency, Color, Sound, Emotion, Music…  Who decides how we express and choose to animate our lives?  Is it all preordained?  Can you step out of your destiny?   Who gets to decide about our beginning; our ending?  Who/what is behind it all and why do we have such an insatiable need to know things unknown or unchallenged about our own LIFE PATH. Join Richard and Sharry as they speak with one of our favorite guests – Pamala Oslie, author of Life Colors as she shares information about how we can reveal our LIFE DESTINY from the perspective of our Aura Colors.  AUDIENCE PARTICPATION AND QUESTIONS ENCOURAGED. Pamala Oslie is an author, consultant, radio show host, and professional psychic. She has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX and numerous other TV and radio shows. She has been a featured speaker at the 2012 TEDx Talks, Fortune 500 companies, The International Forum on New Science, Conscious Life Expo and in many national magazines. Pamala has written three successful and popular books and has a very extensive clientele, including many celebrities.  more about Pamala at: To watch the show:     Go to: - click RADIO for link

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