Nov. 13, 2016

What's In Your Doctor's Inbox (That They Aren't Sharing With You)

What's In Your Doctor's Inbox (That They Aren't Sharing With You)

Dr. Jennifer Daniels on: Anti-depressants and the serious negative effects they potentially cause.

While practicing medicine, Dr. Jennifer Daniels noticed that, despite compliance on the part of patients, the patients seemed to worsen under the care she had been trained to provide. She decided to give patients a choice between The Standard of Care, (doing nothing), and Natural Therapies, (diet, lifestyle, supplements, cleansing, herbs). Dr. Daniels found that the death rate in her medical practice went from four a year to zero.Dr Daniels took a holistic view toward medicine and life.  Dr. Daniels now lives outside the United States and is dedicated to investigating and communicating to citizens an understanding of the system called ‘health care’ that harms so many. Her goal is to prevent as many recurring murders as possible through education. Dr. Daniels joins us to discuss the serious warnings being sent to, and being ignored by Doctors about the potential hazards of the antidepressants they prescribe. Dr Jennifer Daniels Dr Daniels Radio Show - Truth Files Dr Daniels complete story & Bio Sound Health Options

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