Sept. 12, 2017

What is keeping us FAT

What is keeping us FAT

We can help you identify your weight antagonists - neurotransmitters, genetics, hormones...

Over 80% of people struggle with weight issues because there is no one magic cure for satisfying weight management.  We have created several computer programs that can sort out the causes for each individual.  It could be hormones, genes, toxins or neurotransmitters:  BioDiet, UltimateDiet, Fat Switch, Lipoedema, insulin resistance, fatty liver. Join us for a live demonstration of BioAcoustic software that has helped millions and is fastly becoming the "medicine" of the future. Often mistaken for Obesity, Lipedema is an entirely different issue brought on by the body's inability to move and appropriately metabolis fatty materials within the body. Often identified with a small upper torso and large hips and legs; this unrecognized disease if often misdiagnosed. Not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat, mitigate or cure any medical condition.

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