Jan. 10, 2017

Traitors Or Heroes: Stories Behind The Whistleblowers

Traitors Or Heroes: Stories Behind The Whistleblowers

Who should we believe? The people stuffing their pockets with our money or the people trying to support transparency?

Our Country was established on truth and freedom. We are done with being lied to and manipulated. Our goal is to share with your information and software’s that will allow you to see through the corruption and into a state of awareness. Awareness of your rights, of the truth, and most importantly awareness for your own health and well-being. Johnathan Guber one of authors of the Affordable Care Act stated publicly that the people are too stupid to know what’s good for them. He went on to say that the government should have authorities over everything in our lives; vaccinations, healthcare, job selection, number of children, and spouse choices.   Sound Health Options

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com