March 5, 2019

Third In A Series: Who's Fat In Hollywood & Why

Third In A Series: Who's Fat In Hollywood & Why

Discover How Sharry Edwards Used Vocal Profiling To Reveal Kelley Clarkson's Barriers To Weight Loss

The Third in our Series of Who’s Fat in Hollywood and Why. This week we concentrate on Kelly Ckarkson, singer and actress.  Kelly’s BioAcoustic Management  Report indicated a thyroid immune issue brought on by a leaky gut, inflammation and possibly Lyme Disease. Watch as we construct  a fast and easy  computerized report of Kelly and an audience volunteer.  These evaluations can easily be done by you online. - SERVICES - SERVICES - cAMPAIGNS - Computerized BioDiet Evaluations are f.ree for a short time for our audience. There are a myriad of ways that your metabolism can influence weight management; most of it hidden.  Join us as we explore the online WorkStation created to help the public reveal their own potential frequency-based weight issues.   If you are having trouble managing your weight or would like to help others manage their weight, please join us...    Create you own business to help others with weight issues - We can provide the tools and solutions to help this national problem. Download Your Free BioDiet Body Types Booklet Here

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