Jan. 31, 2010

The Voice Knows

The Voice Knows

Awakening: The Voice Knows - Christopher Reeves didn't have to die!
No x-ray machines in Haiti; we have a device that will set and help the body heal a broke

Awakening: The Voice Knows - Christopher Reeves didn't have to die! No x-ray machines in Haiti; we have a device that will set and help the body heal a broken bone. What pieces of chicken do you take? Man's world vs God's world - awakening - which world do you live in? How can we help the returning soldiers who are attempting suicide at the rate of 1-5. Is there any hope for our health care system? If we are all well, in a society where no one dies, where do we put all the people? Is Conan really as happy as his words would want us to believe? Rosie on Oprah - has she changed since her show was cancelled? What secrets do you and partner keep from each other? Get a preview of our Valentine Special

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