Sept. 25, 2016

The Seed Oils of Self Health

The Seed Oils of Self Health

Andreas Wecker's struggle with Crohn’s Disease, Lead to Seed Oils of Health !

Andreas Wecker started Andreas Seed Oils in order to bring health and wellness to people through food. The right foods, made up of essential fats, vitamins, and minerals are necessary to be truly healthy, and the natural balance of these nutrients is offered in purely pressed oils. Through Andreas' struggle with Crohn’s Disease, he knew that his options were extremely limited, having exhausted the means of modern medicine. The option he chose was to find an alternative remedy in order to have a fighting chance at living. Fresh-pressed seed oils were the answer. Andreas' miraculous recovery through the use of his oils, as well as diet modification, has led him to recognize that high quality oils, perhaps of all kinds, could help others improve their overall health as well. His desire is to provide a product for everyone to have the opportunity to improve their health and wellness. A Special Thanks to Stephen Heuer B.S. Nutripath, Founder of Synergistic Nutrition for setting up this invterview. Stephen has a timeless message. The degree of happiness that we all desire is directly connected to the degree of health and energy that we have. Andreas Seed Oils Stephen Heur Sound Health Options

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