Jan. 23, 2011

Star Trek Medicine comes to BlogTalkRadio

Star Trek Medicine comes to BlogTalkRadio

Star Trek Medicine comes to BlogTalkRadio

Do you have Cancer in your family - would you like a non-intrusive, inexpensive way to test for Cancer biomarkers/

Star Trek Medicine comes to BlogTalkRadio Do you have Cancer in your family - would you like a non-intrusive, inexpensive way to test for Cancer biomarkers/biofrequencies? This is just one tiny part of what we have to offer. The Guardian Network, what is it, why it is important to anyone who wants to maintain an optimal quality of life. What we have provided to the public a way of SELF HEALTH and what is planned for the future is the medicine of the future. What BigPharma and BigBrother don't want you to know about cancer prevention, autism and GMO's is incredibly important. If you care about the planet and your children's future, you will join us for another audience participation show. We have discovered the basis for most disease, our goals is to get that information to the public through our public information shows. To join the online meeting 1. Go to https://soundhealth.webex.com/soundhealth/j.php?ED=141988942&UID=0&PW=NMjRlZTNjOGIx&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com