Aug. 5, 2018

Sound Health Radio with Phil Safier of Talks About Colloidal Silver

Sound Health Radio with Phil Safier of Talks About Colloidal Silver

Phil Safier, expert About Making and Using Colloidal Silver, The Natural Anti-Biotic and more

Phil Safier made their own advanced Colloidal Silver generator, the Silvonic Pro, for, It makes high-quality nanoparticle solutions automatically and comes with a lifetime warranty. Colloidal Silver kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi internally and externally. It belongs in every home to strengthen the immune system and to protect against and treat diseases. It costs far less to make it fresh at home for pennies per ounce than to buy it for as much as $2 per ounce in stores. Phil Safier: I attended the University of California Berkeley in its heyday, 1964 and then San Francisco State in 65, both the wrong place to get an academic education when the best one was happening outside the classrooms. I dropped out of formal schooling to support my young family and, starting in 1972 for over 30 years have worked for myself, first as a foreign car repair mechanic and shop owner. After around 12 years  of working around solvents, I found myself somewhat debilitated by low energy, depression, and anxiety. So I sold my business and began to look for ways to get my energy, creativity, and drive back. This search led my down a wonderful path of learning about my body and mind, finding solutions, experimenting and culling my knowledge into simple solutions that I could share with others. I have used what I have learned to stay fit, active, and very healthy without pharmaceutical medicines. Safier love's sharing my knowledge with people who want to regain control of their lives. Colloidal Silver: Antibiotic of the Future

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