July 14, 2024

Shifting your body's electromagnetic field for optimal health

Shifting your body's electromagnetic field for optimal health

Dr Kate Keville, talks about; How, The Shift™ may enhance energy, increase circulation, and may provide a sense of joy.

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Sound Health Radio • Richard~TalkToMeGuy

Dr. Kate Keville is the daughter of Irish Immigrants, born and raised in Bellevue, Ohio.  She proudly served in the U.S. Army Military Intelligence and has owned and operated four vegetarian restaurants; teaching the importance of food is our medicine. 

Dr. Kate received a Bachelor’s in Education from Ohio State University and continued her education receiving a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Sherman College.  In her 30 years of practice, Dr. Kate has helped people from the U.S. and many countries throughout the world.  Dr. Kate has over 10,000 hours of courses pertaining to Holistic Health modalities, nutritional protocols, homeopathy, applied kinesiology, advanced chiropractic care, Neurofeedback, Neuro Integration and many more.

Dr. Kate has dedicated her life to helping others, traveling worldwide to find answers to health conditions for people who were hopeless, restoring balance and hope.

Dr. Kate Joins us to talk about: The Shift™ may enhance energy, increase circulation, and may provide a sense of joy.


Dr Kates site - I highly recommend her blog, great articles on herbs and more

The Shift Device


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