Oct. 3, 2021

Sarah McCroskey- Founder of the HumanSpirit Radio Network

Sarah McCroskey- Founder of the HumanSpirit Radio Network

Sarah McCroskey specializes in energy medicine. Trained in the health sciences, counseling, nutrition and metaphysics, she is also a Certified Bioenergy Balanci

Healer, teacher, author and Founder of the HumanSpirit Radio Network, Sarah McCroskey specializes in energy medicine. Trained in the health sciences, counseling, nutrition and metaphysics, Sarah is a Certified Bioenergy Balancing Practitioner and the founding Director of the Bioenergy Balancing Center East Bay, located in the Richmond hills of the San Francisco Bay Area, USA. Down-to-earth, with over two decades of clinical experience, Sarah’s vision of what is possible empowers clients and audiences alike to fearlessly embrace the arc of human evolution and live their unique spark audaciously. Becoming free from conditioning, personally constructed limitation and physical/emotional imbalance — Sarah promotes a living path partnered with Spirit — walking her talk with humor, passion and clear-sightedness.

Sarah offers one-on-one healing sessions by phone, worldwide.

For more information: Bioenergy Balancing 

HumanSpirit Radio provides a rich array of archived programs.

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More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com