April 2, 2017

Reclaim Your Health! Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, & Fatigued

Reclaim Your Health! Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, & Fatigued

Elle Russ went from fat, foggy, and fatigued - to fit, focused and full of life!

Take Control Of Your Health! After consulting with over two dozen endocrinologist, internal medicine specialists, and general practice MDs, Elle Russ' thyroid condition was only getting worse - and nothing from doctors resembled a solution, or even hope.  Exasperated and desperate, Elle Took control of her health and resolved two severe bouts of hypothyroidism on her own - including an acute Reverse T3 problem. Through a devoted paleo/primal lifestyle, intensive personal experimentation, and a radically modified approach to thyroid hormone replacement therapy, Elle Russ went from fat, foggy, and fatigued - to fit, focused and full of life! Elle Russ's'The Paleo Thyroid Solution' dispels outdated, conventional thyroid wisdom still practiced by uninformed doctors, and provides the in-depth guidance necessary to solve hypothyroidism, achieve vibrant health, and optimize thyroid fat-burning hormone metabolism. Over 200 million people worldwide and 20+ million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, but 60% are undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. Elle Russ joins us to talk about her new book 'The Paleo Thyroid Solution' Elle Russ on Facebook Primal Blueprint site The Primal Blueprint Podcast Sound Health Options

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com