March 3, 2013

Pauli Halstead Primal Cuisine

Pauli Halstead Primal Cuisine

Join us with Pauli Halstead author of 'Primal Cuisine' on Blog Talk Radio March 3, 2013 at 12pm EST 'Primal Cuisine, Cooking for the Paleo Diet', Pauli educat

Join us with Pauli Halstead author of 'Primal Cuisine' on Blog Talk Radio March 3, 2013 at 12pm EST 'Primal Cuisine, Cooking for the Paleo Diet', Pauli educates on the topics of GMO's, gluten and casein intolerance, and how our food choices impact the environment and our health! Pauli Halstead began her culinary career in 1973 at a tiny restaurant, Ma Goodness, in Berkeley, California.  In 1975, she put her name on the window of Pauli's Café at the corner of Fillmore and Washington Streets in San Francisco.  Pauli's was one of those wonderful neighborhood restaurants for which San Francisco is famous, and it soon became the place to have a delicious  week-end brunch and read The San Francisco Chronicle.  In 1981 Pauli launched her catering company, The Best of Everything, at Beringer Vineyards. Pauli's website Pauli on Facebook

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