April 14, 2019

Paul Gaylon Joins Us To Discuss All Things Hemp!

Paul Gaylon Joins Us To Discuss All Things Hemp!

Paul Gayon directed a major project in the spring of 1998 was the Santa Cruz Industrial Hemp Expo, the largest event of its kind in the country (6,500 attending

Paul Gayon directed a major project in the spring of 1998 was the Santa Cruz Industrial Hemp Expo, the largest event of its kind in the country (6,500 attending). It was very successful and brought together businesses and individuals on the cutting edge of the expanding hemp market. Out of that event emerged a one-hour documentary video on the expo and the enormous potential of industrial hemp. Paul is a contributing partner and co-director with the fine videographer L.B. Johnson on the video,"Hemp Hemp Hooray! The Growing Industrial Hemp Market." Its premiere showing took place in September 1999 at the Vets Hall in Santa Cruz. Hemp Hemp Hooray may be found at UnifiedCommunity The full range of nutritional and natural products that Paul has helped bring to the market includes nutritional green foods, seed oil blends, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamin and mineral antioxidant blends, fluid extract herbal combinations, nutritional chocolates, probiotics, skin care, other concentrated powder blends, and bulk powder extracts. Paul has also been instrumental in introducing new foods and food preparation techniques to the market including dietary programs. He has worked with various associates on a number of these projects and has been a consultant for many supplements, skin care, and nutritional bar products.  Paul is also committed to educating people on nutritional and medicinal topics through his company’s catalog, website, product profiles, and through other forms of sharing information which often is simply his warm willingness to confer with people directly. Paul Gaylon

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