Patricia L'Dara - Crossing the Threshold with Curiosity

As a Soul Passage Midwife, Patricia L'Dara brings words of wisdom to ease hearts and open minds about the ultimate spiritual transition at the end of life.
Patricia L'Dara came to the work of death and dying in 1993 when her mother crossed the threshold. Like many in our Western Culture, Patricia had never been in a room with someone dying and had no idea what to expect. The brilliant beauty and bliss of the experience transformed her life. Since that time, she has helped many souls from all walks of life cross the threshold with grace. It is her deepest honor to be with souls at such a deeply sacred time. Personal accounts of this work are documented in Patricia's book, Song of Sight: An Introduction to Soul Passage Midwifery. Prior to this life changing experience, another life changing event took place in the mountains of Colorado. Patricia met the great Indian Sage and author of "An Autobiography of a Yogi," Swami Parmahansa Yogananda in his spirit form. He advised her that if she practiced his Kriya Yoga, she would know her soul and her soul's work. She has kept her practice ever since that day. Sri Yogananda and Archangel Azreal are the architects and advisors of the soul passage project, open to everyone of all belief systems.
Earlier in her life, it was her great joy to create a dance company of people of disabilities who performed together for 13 years. The Images in Motion Dance Company received national recognition and was showcased on NBC Nightly News and Parade Magazine.
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