Nutritional Energetics with Cathy Hohmeyer

Cathy Hohmeyer on her program Nutritional Energetics - combining energetics, food and rejuvenation.
Cathy Hohmeyer grew up in the "Healing Woods" not far from where she and her family operate a restaurant and small resort now. After college, she started off as an Occupational Therapist in Washington DC - getting a rounded look at therapy in nursing homes, hospitals, developmental centers and schools. After a few years she had the chance to start her own company with other therapists "at home" and did just that.
A few years later - the then current owners of Lake Clear Lodge needed a manager/leasee and Cathy headed the call - not fully realizing that she was continuing the mission of the original builders of the Lodge - her Great Aunt. She ended up marrying the son of the current owner and jokes that they all "came with the place". For the last 35 years , she has been the Executive Chef, and homeschool mom as she has had The Lodge as her "learning lab" for developing her program Nutritional Energetics - combining energetics, food and rejuvenation in a "vacation for others" spot. Her programs can be seen on international summits - with one coming up soon. With what many people listening to this call understand as the search for personal health and energy (which is all frequency) she recently became a BARA and is fascinated by discovering the frequencies of the body and how to help people "Stay Nourished".
We believe there is a magic here, a natural gathering place where the Native Americans found it went beyond the air and mountain majesty to the therapeutic qualities of the white pine and balsam. ~Cathy Hohmeyer
More information on the Lake Clear Lodge & Retreat Information on Nutrional Energetics programs The wondrous Lake Clear Lodge live webcam Cathy Hohmeyer's You Tube Channel
More information on The Sound Health Portal
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