June 30, 2015

NeuroPlasticity is a Necessity • D4T

NeuroPlasticity is a Necessity • D4T

Please join us as we demonstrate one of our newest softwares, NeuroPlasticity.  It can provide, in BioAcoustic terms, what support your brain may need whether y

Please join us as we demonstrate one of our newest softwares, NeuroPlasticity.  It can provide, in BioAcoustic terms, what support your brain may need whether your complaint is fatigue, loss of memory, depression, anxiety, OCD, anger, manic, hyper vigilance, suicidal thoughts, or violence...   What thought process connects behavior and mindfulness?  Is there an emotional body that dictates behavior or is it the other way around?  Injected adrenaline makes people aggressive and mean.  Certain foods can cause very destructive behavioral outcomes for some people.  The literature reports that psychiatric drugs have been involved in nearly all of the recent mass shootings in the US.   How is your brain doing?  Is it serving you well?  Are you taking care of it; providing the appropriate nutrients and protein so that it can thrive and guide you to peak ethical and physical performance?   Sound Health Options

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com