Mushrooms as a Wellness Ally

Paul Gaylon, Founder of Herbal Products & Development, shares his dynamic research on Medicinal Mushrooms!
Paul Gaylon, President & Founder of Herbal Products & Development, shares his dynamic research on Medicinal Mushrooms! How observing nature is a key to understanding mushroomsThe stages of growth, soil chemistry, and how mushrooms produce potent compoundsThe full spectrum extraction of mushroom compoundsThe role of medicinal mushrooms, including clinical studies and nutritional analysisThe role of polysaccharides as health multipliersHealth patterns enhanced by mushroomsHow to understand the different types of medicinal mushrooms Paul Gaylon has studied herbs and formulated innovative herbal products and whole food concentrates for over 30 years. Through his extensive travels, he has become knowledgeable in native and foreign herbs. Paul has always been dedicated to implementing new concepts in health, nutrition, and herbology. He is an avid reader and researcher on the leading edge of herbal and health frontiers. His involvement in new product development in the U.S. has taken him to other countries for research and to photograph plants, herbs, and flora. Herbal Products & Development is well–known regionally, and also offers products nationally to individuals, practitioners, and stores. Learn More: Visit Paul's Sites UnifiedCommunity
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