April 5, 2015

Making Peace with Suicide

Making Peace with Suicide

Whether you are contemplating, have survived the attempt, lost someone to suicide, or counsel potential suicide's victims, our guest, Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D

Whether you are contemplating, have survived the attempt, lost someone to suicide, or counsel potential suicide's victims, our guest, Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D. author of Making Peace with Suicide: A Book of Hope Understanding and Comfort. Dr. McDowell will talk with us how to bring hope, healing, compassion and understanding to this important topic. The seduction of Suicide has become a worldwide epidemic with no discrimination as to age, gender, ethnicity, job or social circumstance. Dr. McDowell's site Sound Health Options Dr. McDowell was not able to be here, we will reschedule. We viewed and discussed Monica Lewinksy's March 2015 TED talk: 'The Price of Shame'  click for video

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