Making Connections One Brain at a Time

Dr. Hanson has practiced since 1996 in the area of pediatric development and brain-based patient management.
Dr. Laura Hanson, D.C., MS, QEEG-DL, D.I.C.C.P., NDT, BCN, CAS ~ Dr. Laura Hanson, DC has held faculty positions at both Palmer College and Life University from 2003 until 2012. Dr. Hanson is recognized domestically and internationally through her personal teachings to healthcare professionals, teachers, and parents, on the progression of pediatric development. Deepening her understanding and furthering her credentials, she became a neuro-developmental therapist and a certified-autism specialist, focusing on primitive reflexes and the wiring of the human nervous system.
Dr. Hanson also has a Master’s of Sports Science, with a concentration in nutrition. Dr. Hanson has practiced since 1996 in the area of pediatric development, and brain-based patient management. Dr. Hanson is recognized as a world expert in teaching and caring for children with developmental delay. Dr. Hanson founded Connect My Brain, a state-of-the-art facility, offering a non-invasive practice that allows children and adults to reconnect with their brain by leveraging a 3-tiered approach focusing on the body, the brain, and the fuel that runs it all.
Links from the show:
Connect My Brain Educational Resource
Information on the Sound Health Portal
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