Nov. 9, 2014

It is Not Who, But What!

It is Not Who, But What!

It is not who, but what! Not WHO is in charge, but WHAT is in charge of our health care system!?  The answer, at least in the US, is MONEY.   Our Health in exc

It is not who, but what! Not WHO is in charge, but WHAT is in charge of our health care system!?  The answer, at least in the US, is MONEY.   Our Health in exchange for a stuffed bank account for the pharmaceutical industry.  The Truth about this is disgusting and shows just how we are deliberately being addicted to medications.  If we are hurt by medications because of side effects and untested products, our complaints fall on deaf ears; and whistle blowers are severely punished. Jeff Hays has asked us to share his new movie, BOUGHT, with our audience.  Join us as we begin to open our eyes to the Truth about how $$ has become more important than our health. Bought the movie

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