Oct. 7, 2012

Is the Hip Bone connected to the Thigh Bone?

Is the Hip Bone connected to the Thigh Bone?

Many toxins and Radistion exposures can lead to Chronic issues like Osteoporosis. Dr. Keith McCormick is an expert on Nutritional Management dealing with low b

Many toxins and Radistion exposures can lead to Chronic issues like Osteoporosis. Dr. Keith McCormick is an expert on Nutritional Management dealing with low bone density.   If you or your loved ones suffer from decreased height, brittle bones, frequent fractures or bone breaks, Dr. McCormick is ready with the answers.Information about our SELF HEALTH software's(Them Bones, 9/11 Tools and Solutions and Osteoporosis)  in confirmation of Dr. McCormick approach to better bone health.    Oct. 7- 12-1PM EST http://soundhealthoptions.com/bt_radio.html

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com