March 31, 2015

HH • Check Your Glucose

HH • Check Your Glucose

Are you one of the 29 million people in the US who has diabetes and doesn't recognize the symptoms?  It's near epidemic level - Type 2 diabetes and associated

Are you one of the 29 million people in the US who has diabetes and doesn't recognize the symptoms?  It's near epidemic level - Type 2 diabetes and associated insulin resistance cause fatigue, obesity, frequent urination, excessive thirst, stroke, heart/kidney disease, high blood pressure....the list goes on as people who have diabetes, or who are pre-diabetic, continue to suffer. No matter what we blame; snacks, soda pop, carbohydrates, bad fats, the results are the same; our quality of life is depleted because we simply don't have enough energy to live a vibrant life. Join us for a special "Check your Glucose" Happy Hour.  We will preview BioAcoustic Software, using audience volunteers, to demonstrate diabetic potential.   Sound Health Options

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