Feb. 24, 2015

HH • Accelerating Cancer Rates

HH • Accelerating Cancer Rates

Cancer rates are accelerating!! In 1913 the death rate was 79 people per 100,000 In 2013 the death rate was 178 per 100,000 with 145,000 new cases Our Canc

Cancer rates are accelerating!! In 1913 the death rate was 79 people per 100,000 In 2013 the death rate was 178 per 100,000 with 145,000 new cases Our Cancer software is a quick and easy way to compare concurrent biofrequencies found in those diagnosed with cancer; covers most types of cancer. Join us as we examine software developed by the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology Optimal Health through BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling is the wave of the future.    Sound Health Options

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