June 5, 2011

Guest Susan Stuart and Richard lizard mind and relationships

Guest Susan Stuart and Richard lizard mind and relationships

More Info Are you interested in re-lating? Would you like to know if relationships are based on karma, lizard mind, planetary alignment or does it a

More Info Are you interested in re-lating? Would you like to know if relationships are based on karma, lizard mind, planetary alignment or does it all come down to hormones and timing? Join Richard and Susan Stuart as they talking about re-lating! Susan Stuart is a professional Intuitive Counselor who has over 26 years of experience in her field. Her undergraduate studies and graduate work centered on psychology, cultural anthropology an...d hypnotherapy. The work included research on American Indian Shamanism, in-depth studies of hypnosis and an examination of the relationship between Astrology and Jungian Psychology. Susan's Intuitive Development Institute was established in 1981 to promote a more expanded awareness of intuition, metaphysics and astrology. The institute offers Intuitive Scanning, and Intuitive Counseling for individuals as well as couples and Intuitive Development Classes and Medical Intuitive Trainings. drsusanstuart.com Join us Sunday at 12pm EST on Blog Talk Radio to learn more! Be certain to check out our profiles listed on www.soundhealthoptions.com

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