Feb. 13, 2011

Guest Lita Lee, Ph.D., Author - The Enzyme Cure

Guest Lita Lee, Ph.D., Author - The Enzyme Cure

This Sunday on Sound Health Options, Sharry and Richard welcome Lita Lee, Ph.D.. We will be talking with Dr. Lee about her research in the use of enzymes for al

This Sunday on Sound Health Options, Sharry and Richard welcome Lita Lee, Ph.D.. We will be talking with Dr. Lee about her research in the use of enzymes for allergies and hormonal imbalances. In 1998, Future Medicine published Lita's book, "The Enzyme Cure", which covers 11 years of research and clinical experience in plant enzyme therapy and presents 50 different case histories covering 36 different health conditions linked to enzyme deficiencies. "The Enzyme Cure" book also covers Dr. Lee's work on hormonal balancing and environmental health. Lita Lee, Ph.D. is a chemist, enzyme therapist, nutritionist, author and lecturer and has been in private practice since 1984. Her clients span the globe. People find out about Dr. Lee from her lectures, TV and radio shows plus her books, articles and newsletters as well as the Internet. Dr. Lee has an office in Portland, Oregon. www.LitaLee.com To join the online meeting 1. Go to https://soundhealth.webex.com/soundhealth/j.php?ED=142768792&UID=0&PW=NMzYzNTM4MjBj&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

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