Jan. 6, 2013

Finding Your POTENTIAL!

Finding Your POTENTIAL!

We are energy generators; our body constantly uses energy that can be measured via frequency.  Using our Personality Profiling software, nanoVoice, we are goi

We are energy generators; our body constantly uses energy that can be measured via frequency.  Using our Personality Profiling software, nanoVoice, we are going to demonstrate how your voice can provide clues as to what your energy needs to balance itself.  NanoVoice can reveal opportunities of focus, completion and balance of your energy field.    Vocal Profiling can be REVEALING, non-invasive and Life Changing.   Whether you call your EnergyBody a Signature Sound, the aura or an Oto-Acoustic emission, it's fun and informative    to learn about it. Join in this Sunday – January 6, 2013 from 12-1 PM EST! Click the link below to join: https://soundhealth.webex.com/soundhealth/j.php?ED=176572367&UID=1300711002&PW=NM2UzZjUwZTY4&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com