July 18, 2010

Find out who is telling the truth about the BP oil fiasco!!!!! Co-host Richard Olsen

Find out who is telling the truth about the BP oil fiasco!!!!!  Co-host Richard Olsen

Who is telling the truth about the BP Oil fiasco; Obama? BP Chairman Svanberg? the engineers? Kevin Costner? Who’s the scam artist; is anyone a savior in this

Who is telling the truth about the BP Oil fiasco; Obama? BP Chairman Svanberg? the engineers? Kevin Costner? Who’s the scam artist; is anyone a savior in this mess of cover-up and misconception? People have a right to know what’s really going on! We took apart every sentence, examined every word, every intention. We are the premier experts on Vocal analysis and we intend to tell it all with pictures and words and show the results live online. We will scramble to get this on YouTube ASAP. We have provided our regular audience with the tools to examine intention using Vocal Profiling, let’s use them. If you want to examine the software that we are going to use, go to www.nanoVoice.org to download – our gift. No hassles, no pop-ups. We will be revealing the frequency antidotes for Corexit 9500 and its frequency-based biomarkers in the hope of providing information to those attempting to deal with the toxic effects of the oil and chemicals being dispersed with negative results for the inhabitant; animal or human. Join us Sunday at noon EST, July 18th, 2010 on Blog Talk Radio for Sound Health Options. To join the online meeting 1. Go to https://soundhealth.webex.com/soundhealth/j.php?ED=135885912&UID=0&PW=NOTRiZjkwYTI2&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: SundayShow5 4. Click "Join". To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: https://soundhealth.webex.com/soundhealth/j.php?ED=135885912&UID=0&PW=NOTRiZjkwYTI2&ORT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D Call in with your questions at (347) 850-1407 or Skype live Sunday from 12-1pm EST! For information on classes with Sound Health, contact class@vocalprofiling.com. Be certain to check out our profiles listed on www.nutrasounds.com and download the free nanoVoice software at: www.nanoVoice.org Missed last Sunday's Show? Tune into our archives at: www.blogtalkradio.com/sharry-edwards

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com