Known as a "Sexual Biohacker" Susan brings her unique blend of scientific knowledge and practical experience to help people discover new depths of intimacy. Her work, challenges conventional media portrayals of relationships, showing couples how to achieve greater pleasure and connection, more than they ever thought possible.
While conventional wisdom tells us public speaking is about perfecting our performance, Lee Glickstein has spent decades developing a revolutionary approach that turns this idea on its head. His latest book, "Be Seen Now! Ins...
Today we welcome a visionary in the field of sound healing and spiritual guidance, Roberta Cuffin. She's revolutionizing how we understand the profound connection between sound frequencies, spiritual wellness, and our relatio...
Since frequency can be represented in terms of mathematical equations. Does this fact indicate that math could be the ultimate form of healing?
Dr. Hanson has practiced since 1996 in the area of pediatric development and brain-based patient management.
Paul Gaylon, Founder of Herbal Products & Development, shares his dynamic research on Medicinal Mushrooms!
"BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in the body, that are expressed as disease." ~Sharry Edwards ••Monthly Keynotes influence on Human Healing with Sharry Edwards
I teach about the restorative power in the human voice to trigger our body’s self-healing systems for emotional and physical balance. ~The Sound Lady-Kathleen Nagy.
Roberta Cuffin - Sound Health BioAcoustic Instructor & Practitioner talks with us about being a practioner and having a Sound practice.
Bioacoustics practitioner/Instructor Roberta Cuffin talks with us about vocal prints as information for all kinds of relationships; business to romantic.
GrassrootsHealth, is helping support a core of 48 initial leading researchers in vitamin D and now, other nutrient researchers.
Ed Harrold talks about breath as a foundation of life, a good immune system, a key for focus and longevity.
After 20 years of performing in symphony orchestras playing the french horn, Kathleen Nagy forged through the ingredients of crafted “classical” melody, harmony and structure, and found the power, beauty and healing properties of tone and harmonics. There’s a hidden superpower in your voice. It can give you the energy you need to feel better, sleep better, and live better. It’s easily accessible and inexpensive.
Since frequency can be represented in terms of mathematical equations. Does this fact indicate that math could be the ultimate form of healing?
Caroline Alan, CEO Beam Minerals talks about: Every single one of the trillions of cells in your body requires minerals to function.
Dr. Ann Hester is a board-certified internal medicine physician with more than 25 years of direct patient care experience.
Ed Harrold on Breath "When you consciously introduce something over 30 days it will start to wedge it’s way into our subconcious "
Dr. Keesha Ewers, board certified Functional Medicine Provider, speaks to figuring out, If it Could Be Your Immune System!
Dr Kate Keville, talks about; How, The Shift™ may enhance energy, increase circulation, and may provide a sense of joy.
Susan Bratton, "Intimacy Expert to Millions" is a champion and advocate for all those who desire intimacy and longevity.
Sharry Edwards is a trailblazer in the emerging field of vocal biomarkers, a discipline that explores the connection between voice frequencies and health.
Penelope Holt's 'The Angel Scroll' challenges readers to expand their view of reality to incorporate psychic phenomena and metaphysical claims.
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, talks about Curing the Incurables Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins
Dr. Paul Barattiero illuminates understanding on how molecular hydrogen gas (H2) reduces oxidative stress and inflammation which is the leading cause of disease.