April 20, 2014

Empowerment To Make a Change

Empowerment To Make a Change

One person can make a difference.  Is that person you? Join us as we talk with Rebecca Mahan, author of V.O.T.E.: Victims Overcoming Traumatic Events to find o

One person can make a difference.  Is that person you? Join us as we talk with Rebecca Mahan, author of V.O.T.E.: Victims Overcoming Traumatic Events to find out how we can all make a difference.  V.O.T.E. is designed to guide law enforcement officers and other first responders in assisting victims, aggressors and others regarding domestic violence and other traumatic events. Rebecca has spent nearly 20 years studying domestic violence and working with victims of various traumatic events.  She was previously employed as a law enforcement officer and has been a Field Training Officer for over six years.  She obtained California POST Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Certificiates and holds a Private Investigator license.  Rebecca is a published columnist and a United States Marin Corps Veteran. Using her combined knowledge and experience to create a successful program for those exposed for domestic violence and other traumatic events.  Her goal is to assist law enforcement, first responders and others in combating violence, saving lives, reducing injury and helping others to move forward to healthier lifestyles.   Rebecca Mahan's Book

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