Jan. 10, 2016

Dr Toni River - Engaging Intuition in Your Own Health

Dr Toni River - Engaging Intuition in Your Own Health

Toni Luisa Rivera, Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Rubenfeld Synergist, author, and workshop facilitator. Born and raised on Air Force bases until her father

Toni Luisa Rivera, Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Rubenfeld Synergist, author, and workshop facilitator. Born and raised on Air Force bases until her father retired in Puerto Rico when she was eleven years old. Horses and sailing were her early passions. Graduated Life Chiropractic University in 1985 and returning to Puerto Rico to open her first chiropractic office in the rural area of the island where there were no alternative options for healthcare. Dr. Toni discovered the vital role of body, mind, spirit, and emotions, play in healing while attending to the many people seeking care.  Dr. Toni has become a master teacher, focusing on teaching clients about self-healing and teaching other practitioners intuitive listening to themselves, while working with their clients. Join us as we talk with Dr. Rivera about her new book:  'The Propelled Heart: Moving from Injury to Insight' ToniLuisaRivera Sound Health Options

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com