Dr. Stephanie Seneff on her book, 'Toxic Legacy'; Glyphosate vs the Environment

Dr. Seneff wrote 'Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment'
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and a PhD from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, glyphosate, and the mineral, sulfur. Since 2008, she has authored over three dozen peer-reviewed journal papers on these topics. Today Dr. Seneff joins us to discuss her book, Toxic Legacy; How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying out Health and the Environment, which includes topics such as: The uniquely toxic nature of glyphosate. Why were seeing a rise in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, infertility, depression, and anxiety. Glyphosate's role in soil degeneration, water contamination, and threats to wildlife and biodiversity.
TOXIC LEGACY: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment. The Silent Spring of our time. From an MIT scientist, mounting evidence that the active ingredient in the world’s most commonly used weedkiller is responsible for debilitating chronic diseases, including autism, liver disease, and more.
More information on Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Information on Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment
Stephanie and Jennifer Margulis wrote a paper about Manatee in Florida they are in ’trouble’ and how that relates to glyphosate?
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