Oct. 11, 2015

Dr. Doris Rapp, Still a Thought Leader in Environmental Medicine

Dr. Doris Rapp, Still a Thought Leader in Environmental Medicine

Dr. Doris Rapp is a board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist. She is also a homeopath. She served as Clinical Assistant Professo

Dr. Doris Rapp is a board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist. She is also a homeopath. She served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the State University of New York at Buffalo until January 1996. She practiced traditional allergy medicine for 18 years. After learning about environmental medicine in 1975, Dr. Rapp began to incorporate the principles of environmental medicine into her pediatric allergy practice. Dr. Rapp is a past President of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. She is also the author of the bestselling book "Is this Your Child", "Is This Your Childs World" and "32 Tips That Could Save your Life" These books will help identify and provide practical methods of treatment to eliminate substances which can cause illness and behavioral changes in both children and adults. Dr. Rapp has also produced numerous educational videotapes and audiotapes for the public, educators and physicians. Her videos vividly demonstrate the dramatic physical and behavioral changes in children and adults that can be produced using the more precise method of allergy testing called Provocation/Neutralization. Dr. Rapp's reaserch on children and chemical sensitivities, lead her to state:  ••What did they Eat   ••What did they Touch    ••What did they Smell  Please join us for a rousing conversation with a great thought leader in the field of Envionmental Medicine! Doris Rapp, MD

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com