Jan. 8, 2017

Do You Hear The Sound Of Spiritual Healing?

Do You Hear The Sound Of Spiritual Healing?

Meet an Angel that is able to discuss hear time in Heaven.

Since the beginning of time, humankind has been asking the same questions: Why are we here? What is our purpose in life? What happens to us when our bodies die? Claire Candy Hough explores these mysteries and more in her remarkable new novel, One True Home—Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness. As an Author, Writer, an Angel Practitioner, a Reiki Master/Teacher, International Radio Show Host, and Inspirational Speaker, Claire Candy Hough helps others connect to their Divine Eternal Natures. She established her business, ‘Angel Healing House’ www.AngelHealingHouse.com in 2003, after her angelic Walk-In experience. Through her business Angel Healing House, Claire Candy is a published author, of the inspirational, channeled books, ‘Angels of Faith’, which is based on her two near-death experiences, “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” which is based on five of her most important past lives and the lessons she learned in the afterlife and her autobiographical, incredible personal journey in, “I Am an Angelic Walk-In”, which is the sequel to “One True Home”. Sound Health Options

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