June 12, 2018

Direction 4 Truth - BioAcoustics & Alzheimer's

Direction 4 Truth - BioAcoustics & Alzheimer's

Let Us Demonstrate the Many Faces of Alzheimer’s!

Learn How BioAcoustics Can Detect These Types of Defects in Your BioField Using Our Software. Let Us Demonstrate the Many Faces of Alzheimer’s! Identifying the Many BioAcoustic Correlates of Dementia! A look at some well documented cases of Alzheimer's. "This ability to predict menacing proteins in the brain before death, may, at a minimum, provide the opportunity to identify Lewy proteins before symptoms occur.  This would be an incredible advantage as more and more people begin to suffer from various stage of dementia... There is more to the story that Vocal Profiling can reveal.  The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health, under the tutelage of Sharry Edwards, M.Ed. is preparing a lengthy report for release through their web site:  www.SoundHealthOptions.com – under “IN THE NEWS” Edwards’ has been acknowledged as the pioneer of Human BioAcoustic Biology by the Duke Encyclopedia of New Medicine." (from Robin Williams Update After Autopsy - What Can Be Done for Alzheimer's) https://www.soundhealthoptions.com/articles

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com