Nov. 29, 2016

D4T • What To Expect On The Road Ahead

D4T • What To Expect On The Road Ahead

Lookng at Whatto Expect in a Trump adminstration

How Have Trump's Intensions Changed?  Using her Vocal Profiling software, BioAcoustics pioneer Sharry Edwards evaluates how Trump's attitude has changed throughout his campaign.  Sharry will also be examining Assange's intensions & the role WikiLeaks had in this year's election. From Sharry's Original Voice Print Assessment on Donald Trump's election agenda in 2011: "The motive he is hiding is the desire to help support what is right no matter what the consequences to himself." "From his perspective, Trump is an information broker – not of “D”, (see chart here).. He has the ability to bring facts to the forefront that no other candidate could dare touch. Trump feels like he can “take the heat” while most other politicians could not afford to go this route."   Sound Health Options

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