Nov. 14, 2017

D4T • Vocal Profiling LIVE

D4T • Vocal Profiling LIVE

The Recent California Forest Fires, the Air Quality has Caused a HEALTH Crisis! Join us for a LIVE Vocal Profiling Demonstration for Those Exposed

FIRE RETARDANT TOXIN ASSESSMENTS – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC   The California forest fires devastated the north/western counties burning thousands of acres, destroying homes, businesses and taking lives as it spread; but more devastation was yet to come.  The necessary fire retardant dropped from planes is now causing a myriad of stresses; coughing, breathing difficulties, burning skin/eyes…    The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health (located in Ohio), the premier vocal analysis experts, have created an online, vocal profiling, testing site for people who want to BioAcoustically evaluate themselves against the fire-retardant toxicity.   Anyone interested in being tested can go to – SERVICES. We have included PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and 911 (building burning toxins) as additional evaluations.  Anyone with a microphone can jump on the website as our Guest and have their voice tested.     Article Link:

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