Dec. 12, 2017

D4T • The BioAcoustic Journey

D4T • The BioAcoustic Journey

Bringing BioAcoustics to Life

It usually takes a well-funded scientific breakthrough or an overwhelming catastrophe to facilitate overall change that actually makes a difference. People are slow to embrace new scientific information because anything fundamentally different from the status quo intimidates them. Although a major disaster forces transformation, people don’t always adjust willingly. The most profound and permanent way to cause a shift in perception is through affirmative life experience. In an attempt to shift perceptions concerning health care, Sharry pioneered a highly innovative educational research facility, the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health to further the novel research that supports the assertion that ancient architectures and language contain math codes that support frequency-based cellular regeneration. The idea of revisiting lost knowledge through the use of computer assembled biometrics provides a new paradigm that may change the face of future medicine.   Sound Health Options

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