Brain Health, Cognition & Mood with Nootropics Expert David Tomen

David Tomen talks about his book 'Head First' the Complete Guide to Healing & Optimizing Your Brain
David Tomen’s journey with nootropic supplements began when he was diagnosed with Adult ADD and PTSD. After years of buying self-help books, being passed over for promotions, suffering from depression, and inability to focus. Ritalin helped turn his life and career around. But it didn’t last.
A few short years later found David in the ER with a laundry list of symptoms. Neurologists tested him for early-onset Alzheimer’s and dementia which came back negative. Not only was David struggling with focus again but now he was dealing with complete memory loss, chronic fatigue, depression, and his business and marriage were in deep trouble. Fighting for his life, David again turned to nootropic supplements. With a methodically researched regimen of supplements and lifestyle changes, he was able to not only recover but to get his brain working better than ever before. After experiencing firsthand what nootropic supplements were capable of, David founded, wrote two books: Secrets of the Optimized Brain and Head First. All with the intent of helping others achieve the same transformative success that he had.
Through his website, newsletter, and books, David presents leading-edge neuroscience, in-an easily digestible and engaging way, that cuts through the marketing and scientific jargon, that so often surrounds the supplement industry.
Links from the show:
For further information about David Tomen
Head First - The Complete Guide to Healing and Optimizing Your Brain with Nootropic Supplements
The Top 7 Racetams – Which One is Best?
'Psychobiotics: The Gut-Brain Connection'
•Gut Dysfunction Contributing to Brain Dysfunction
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