Jan. 26, 2014

Awaken Your Inner Self

Awaken Your Inner Self

Dr. Fletcher awakens potential genius and creates optimal learning for all through her book, Wisdom from the Inner Teacher; Turning Aha!s into OWL Moments (Opti

Dr. Fletcher awakens potential genius and creates optimal learning for all through her book, Wisdom from the Inner Teacher; Turning Aha!s into OWL Moments (Optimal Wisdom Learning).  She integrates her vast educational experience with her spiritual passion, bringing a unique process which results in consistent OWL moments. Optimal Wisdom Learning, OWL, is a six step process to access genius through a balance of cognition and intuition.  OWL shifts us to conscious, active and intentional learning by focusing on the learning moment and being open to wisdom. JOIN US as Dr. Fletcher discusses the six-step process, through neuroscience, biology, right-left brain research and philosophy that lead us to the magic of receiving wisdom.

More information at: SoundHealthOptions.com