Does the Voice Hold Secrets to a Hidden Self?
Are you living your intended Life? What are your strengths, weaknesses: in character, in body? Why are you really
Does the Voice Hold Secrets to a Hidden Self? Are you living your intended Life? What are your strengths, weaknesses: in character, in body? Why are you really here on this planet at this time? What does your future hold? What is making you fat or thin? Would you like to know the root cause of being bipolar, depressed, manic or infertile using the harmonics of your Voice? FLASH! Your voice is a holographic representation of all that you are, right down to the depths of your soul’s intention. Are you curious to learn about the areas in your life in which you could excel; what you need to know to move ahead? These and other questions can be answered using the secret codes hidden within your voice. Just like a song, your voice contains notes that correspond to your mood, intention and health. We are going to explore the use of innovative nanoVoice software that we are providing as a public service to our listeners on Blog Talk Radio. You can use the software on your own computer to evaluate your voice and the voices of your family, your competition, your enemies, your partner or your government representatives (we are going to examine the voice of Nancy Pelosi on the show). Your Voice knows the secrets of your intention even though you may not have conscious awareness of what you really want. Make your life decisions based on the Truth about the intentions of others. A nano glimpse can change your life! Sharry Edwards invites you to begin your journey by downloading complimentary copy of Nanovoice from: before the show, and to join us at 12pm EST on Sunday, March 28th, when we invite you to call-in and have your voice analyzed ON THE AIR. Learn to use and interpret the program right on the air. If you are ready to face the Truth about those around you, this is an incredible opportunity to find out more. Note: NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ENORMOUS LIFE CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED AWARENESS DUE TO THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
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